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Safety - Awareness, Pre-Conflict Cues & You
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Safety - Three Main Considerations of Self Defence
Pre Conflict Indicators - Blading
Pre-Conflict Indicators - Posturing
Pre-Conflict Indicators - Body Rocking
Pre-Conflict Indicators - Hiding the Face
Pre Conflict Indicators - Fist Clenching or Pumping
Pre Conflict Indicators - Avoiding Eye Contact
Pre Conflict Indicators - Rapid Breathing
Pre Conflict Indicators - Focused Attention
Pre Conflict Indicators - Disconnected Stare
Pre Conflict Indicators - Trembling
AWARE, the 5 Steps to Safety
Safety - Self Defence & You Learners Handout
Safety - Awareness, Pre-Conflict Cues & You Handout
Introduction about what to consider as a framework for using self defence when dealing with a possible conflict situation and aggressive people and to remain safe. It looks at the three considerations of retreat, proportional force and reasonable belief and how these apply in a confrontation situation.
Click on the following link to download a transcript of the video on the three main considerations of self defence.
Safety-Three Main Considerations of Self-Defense-transcript