Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

What you need to know up front

Paul December 15, 2019

This program has been developed specifically for ‘Authorised Witnesses‘ as part of legislation and regulations issued by the Commonwealth, States and Territories within Australia. There are differences between each responsible authority, usually managed through the associated ‘Justice Authority’ and should always be checked to ensure compliance.

This module makes special attention to the Victorian legislation of the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 and associated regulations with the introduction of prescribed requirements in reference to ‘Certified Copies’, Statutory Declarations, wording required for both as well as covering Affidavits .

There are over 26 different categories of authorised witnesses from a wide range of areas, education and experiences. This course and associated modules will walk you through step by step on all the things you need to know to be able to certify true copies and authorise statutory declarations and be compliant as required.

This course was specifically developed taking into consideration the requirements based on the Victorian legislation as outlined in the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2019 and associated regulations. If you are looking for a course or guidelines for other states then please visit the relevant state Justice Department for further details.

As is often quoted ‘Things are always easy when you know how’ and this module will provide you with knowing what to do and how to do it!

Advanced Defensive Tactics Institute