Welcome to this micro eLearning module and thank you for choosing this course.
How To Navigate This Module
This eLearning module has a number of Sections which include relevant content in Lessons; within the lessons there are Topics with the details related to the specific area of learning. Please note lessons only have topics within them when there is a large area of knowledge to be learnt and is split up to make the journey and information easier to learn.
The best way to work is to click on each Section and then the related Lesson | Topic, read the explanation information noted and then watch the educational video where provided and also to download any resource material available, which can be found by clicking on the TAB called ‘MATERIAL‘.
Once you have read and watched the video, click on the ‘NEXT TOPIC‘ button at the bottom of the page to move to the next Section | Lesson | Topic.
At the end of the module there is a short Quiz of 10 questions to answer based on the content covered in the lessons. Click the start quiz button and select the most appropriate answer form the options available. The required score is a minimum of 80% to successfully complete the module at which point you will receive your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION for the module.
You will be given automatically at the end of the Quiz your score and and indication of which areas you answered incorrectly. If you have achieved less than the required score you will be able to retake the Quiz to try again.
Remember to have fun and you will be surprised at how quickly you will be able to ‘Certify True Copies’