Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Commonwealth & State Guidelines Overview

Paul December 15, 2019

In Australia each of the States, Territories and Commonwealth have there own legislation as to the specific wording required for certifying of true copies.

The wording is similar however it is best to check the requirements for each before hand to ensure that you have the correct understand of both the specific jurisdiction and the needs of the receiving body for the documents and their requirements.

As a guide the ‘Department of Justice’ is a good starting point for researching and checking the regulations as to the wording required in each state.

Here are some useful links for reference:
* Australian Capital Territory Department Of Justice: http://www.justice.act.gov.au/
* Commonwealth Department Of Justice: https://www.ag.gov.au/
* N.S.W Department Of Justice: https://www.justice.nsw.gov.au/ 
* Northern Territory Department of Justice: https://justice.nt.gov.au/
* Queensland Department Of Justice: https://www.justice.qld.gov.au/
* South Australia Department Of Justice: https://www.agd.sa.gov.au/
* Tasmania Department Of Justice: https://www.justice.tas.gov.au/
* Victoria Department Of Justice: http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/
* Western Australia Department Of Justice: http://www.justice.wa.gov.au/

Hint: Quick search for Justices of Peace and then ‘Certified Copies’

Advanced Defensive Tactics Institute